2025 (06.01.25)

The last quarter of 2024 and the beginning of the year were quite harsh. There were a massive number of fierce attacks on surface Lightworkers, attacks on the surface population through weather manipulation (see the many floods/storms/tsunami warnings worldwide last year as well as current strange events like 3 major US buildings struck by lightning in onenight or sudden temperature drops). Or through MK-Ultra attacks to dampen the vibration (see Magdeburg, Germany, or New Orleans, US).

The Dark Ones are currently lashing out as they are increasingly losing their grip, and this will not change in the new year. Above all, 2025 is a so-called year of the snake according to the Chinese calendar. Very significant events usually occur in such years.

The Cabal will, of course, try to use this energetically special year for their own purposes. Particular attention should be paid to the Middle East, where a defragmentation is currently taking place that the Zionist faction of the Cabal in particular wants to exploit, but the main goal is to block the Goddess Vortices there.

In addition, the Cabal keeps trying to test the pandemic card.

But the Light Forces have their plans too. You have surely noticed the drone sightings that started on the US East Coast in November, which then also occurred in other parts of the world, like Europe.

At the moment, all kinds of videos are circulating on the internet, especially on social media. Many pictures and recordings actually just show planes, old videos or are fake, but some of them actually show advanced military drones, dark project technology and real Lightforce UAVs visible for the surface population.

There are some rumors about special US military drones being active to search for radioactive radiation from a possible dirty bomb or nuclear warhead. Here I would like to mention that the sudden drop in temperature mentioned above occurs precisely in the region of increased drone activity, and that dense snow may support masking this radiation.

But there are also a planned wave of sightings to prepare for first contact. And this was only the first wave; more will follow, with the UAVs getting larger in the process. Just now, for example, there were the next drone sightings in Denmark.

And we have more drones in New Jersey flying over the "drone no-fly zone" that has just been imposed.

At some point, ships will also decloak, visibly for the masses, which then can no longer be denied. But that will probably not happen until there is a certain escalation on the surface and until we are on the verge of a systemic collapse.

This will, so to speak, take away the oxygen from a world fire - snuff out the flames because everyone will literally do no more than staring at the sky, open-mouthed.

Maybe this disclosure process will run smoother, depending on the progression of the timeline, but Light Ships are closer to the surface than they have been in a long time. Pleiadian Ships have positioned themselves so that they can give real-time updates to some of their ground crew.

Therefore, in the coming geopolitical chaos that lies ahead of us, it is worth not only resting in his own center, but also looking up at the sky more often, especially in the evenings and at night in large metropolitan areas. It will be amusing to watch how governments continue to either hush up or brush aside the issue or create cover stories as the objects get larger.

Furthermore, the impulses from the Galactic Centre continue to grow stronger, which is reflected in further solar activity in our system.

Exactly on New Year's Eve, we had some solar flares again, which once more resulted in wonderful auroras, for example in Central Europe:

These flares keep increasing the planetary vibration, which is not for everyone. Many people will have problems handling it, the Dark Ones especially. Many Lightworkers may also be confronted with unresolved dark issues that need to be dealt with. The time now in January is perfect for self-reflection and for resolving unresolved issues. And the planetary alignment/portal on 25 January suits perfect for positive rituals.

So take the opportunity to clear things up, recharge your batteries, and be ready for this special year.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Merci beaucoup, l'obscurité est tellement occupée à vouloir garder son pouvoir qu'elle ignore que l'arme qui signera leur fin est sur Terre, la justice divine ! Lumineuse journée à toi 🌹✨

  2. Translated in Persian of Cobra's and fm144 posts


  3. Happy new year brother, love you ❤

  4. Great article, always good to hear from you.


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