Keep calm through the Storm

During the worldwide Mass Meditation at the beginning of this year, planet Earth was massively purified by energetic floods of Divine Light, allowing the Light Forces to perform various critical operations that bring us increasingly closer to Liberation. While meditating, many participants already noticed that the Critical Mass was exceeded.

Apart from the large number of participants, the meditation was also quite well protected and could be carried out almost trouble-free.

Countermeasures actually only had an effect afterwards, when the Chimera and various negative occult groups started to react … during meditation they couldn’t do much.

In the days following the meditation, the Chimera began to attack Lightworkers by letting them tap into their ethereal spider webs while the Soul is on its journey at night. With the Soul being trapped in these webs, one as a human being usually feels extremely tired, lazy, unmotivated and absent-minded.

One becomes totally passive and it is usually not so easy to recognize the situation as well as to react accordingly in order to get back into his/her own consciousness and power. That is why it is so important to help each other as Starseeds, so that one Starseed can get the other Starseed out of critical situations if one for example gets caught in such ethereal webs and vice versa.

One notices quite quickly when the Chimera is ethereally active around him or her. Either one sees spiders while dreaming, one gets physical signs like spiders in the own home, one is constantly running through spider webs during the day or one gets little hints like for example continuously shown pictures of spiders while checking the news or surfing internet etc.

Just as when the LFs communicate with one from the energetic realms by constantly showing certain numbers during the day, these arachnoid encounters are physical signs that ethereal spider beings are active around oneself.

Most of the time when this happens, the part of the Soul which is incarnated on the surface got stuck in these non-physical webs, but because of these signs one can then react oneself or ask somebody to look on the ethereal plains to cut the Soul out of there and best of all delete this whole construction immediately … and also the spider being, when faced.

Some negative occult groups, which are partly linked to the US West Coast and whose roots reach far back into Ancient Egypt, Babylon and the fallen Atlantis, were also active after the meditation. At least one, but probably several major negative rituals were held, which are always used in advance to fill the Grid with Anomaly in order to set certain neg. physical events in motion.

These events almost certainly includes the outbreak of the so-called Coronavirus, of which it should be clear by now that it is deliberately created by the Cabal.

Since the Saturn/Pluto conjunction this month, we are in a huge transformation phase and the Dark Forces are throwing in everything they have left to hold the fort.

If you imagine the Quarantine around Earth like a dried-up crusty surface, this crust now breaks up more and more and the penetrating light is getting stronger and stronger. And that means panic mode for the Dark Ones, much like when the lights go on in a room full of vermin.

As mentioned in the last entry, some of the Dark Ones have already realized that the Event is inevitable. But they won’t give up; they will rather go down and, out of an act of revenge, take the entire planet with them than return to the Light.

But these groups will be taken care of, at the latest when the cataclysmic events will start, triggered by the planet itself, and the last pockets of Anomaly will literally be washed away from the surface.

As a Starseed, it is important now to just stay calm, be centred and focused, observe the events, but do not let yourself be carried away by the emotions no matter what chaos should break out in the outside world.

The current apartments and houses of many Starseeds continue to serve as a kind of shelter where one can/should retreat to when things get too chaotic outside, as these houses/apartments are usually built on strong energetic vortices which are deflecting the outside disharmony to a certain degree.

Meditations are still called for in order to harmonize things:

The LFs are in the process of thwarting/weakening every step that the Dark Ones might take in order to create chaos; the Cabal will not succeed in plunging the planet into darkness.

As a precaution, the LFs have also developed an emergency plan long before that even if Earth would go down, the Starseeds incarnated here couldn’t get harmed by it, as most Soul Parts have already been taken out of the physical bodies and brought to safety during the last weeks.

Thus it is now the case with most Starseeds and Key Lightworkers on the surface that almost only 10 to 20% of the Soul that was actually incarnated at the beginning is still active. The main part has already returned to the ships, even if one doesn't really notice this in his/her day-consciousness, except that one might feel extremely powerless towards the end,  already “running on reserve”, which is understandable when a large part of the Soul withdraws energetically. A further sign is that Starseeds may now feel completely disconnected from the matrix world.

So, this evacuation of the Soul simply has the sense that if the Dark Forces in their delusion would scorch the planet in order to create cosmic trauma, even that wouldn't work anymore, because meanwhile the major Soul parts, which should be traumatized through such an negative event, are just not here anymore.

So nothing is left to chance, everything is precisely planned.

The only issue may be that if only a certain percentage of the Soul is active in certain Starseeds, they are even more vulnerable to manipulation or occupation by negative beings. In some Starseeds the Soul is partly already completely out, so that the body can easily be taken over by negative beings.

This can lead to Starseeds (who before maybe used to be the nicest people) suddenly completely changing their character in a very short amount of time, and then also starting attacking other former fellow Starseeds. Sometimes they also change their physical appearance during this process and so on … mostly all signs that the original Soul is out and only the human self is left or in the worst case, a negative being has taken over the Avatar.

I don't even want to talk about the unawakened main part of the population, as almost everyone on the surface has some kind of infiltration, and as the negative beings are falling more and more into hysteria because of the incoming light (but at the same time are attached to so many Avatars, manipulating them) it just happens that some people seem to go crazy at this stage.

But this is part of the game in the final phase; this too will be over soon.

However, as for Starseeds this pre-evacuation of the Soul also has the advantage that it will be easier to get onto the ships physically when the main part of the Soul is already “above”.

The important thing now is simply to remain calm. No matter how chaotic it will become, the energies will also get better at the same time. Positive signs of the Light Forces will increase, not only in dreams or visions, but also in the physical.

We have indeed entered the phase where things are boiling up now and the old structures begin to collapse.

Staying calm, focused, positive and conscious now is the key.


  1. Fm 144 what do you mean by saying, "cataclysms caused by the planet itself will begin, and the last foci of the anomaly will be literally washed away from the surface."
    The pole shift? What about ascension?

    1. in one of the first messages Cobra said that the window of Gaia ascent of 50 years goes from 1975 to 2025. After this date the earth will no longer be habitable. according to the books he indicated as the crystal staircase and other books. there should be 3 waves of ascent but it should have started in 2012!
      in a fairly recent message he said that Gaia was tired and decided to complete her transformation sooner than expected. the remaining window was 5 years , during which there must have been many disasters before the last one.
      this time is, therefore further reduced.
      This probably means that there will not be 3 waves of ascent. but it will probably look like a final evacuation with the starseeds ready. this explains the precautions taken to evacuate our souls. the rest of the population is in my opinion not ready to climb and will be sheltered in bubbles of light where they will not be hit by the cataclysm.
      but this is only a deduction from the elements they surely give us drop by drop so as not to panic.
      FM144 could you comment on that please?

    2. And when is this expected to occur? And what about the starseeds? And the rest of earthling humans?...

    3. Cataclysmic events such as earthquakes, floods and volcanic eruptions will occur during the ascent. Areas with remaining anomaly will be cleared from the surface.

    4. What I can say is that it is true that the Earth, as a conscious being, has decided to speed things up and all this points to a more urgent evacuation. The exact procedure is not being released for safety reasons, which means that I do not know it either. But I think there will be further information when the time comes.

  2. precisely spider web question I am right in it I think! for a few days after mass meditation and even more in recent days I have been at a zero energy level. the day before yesterday I barely stood on my legs legs, I slept most of the day. and this morning I got up to take care of my hens and then I went back to bed. and there I really understood that my energy was drained as if they were sucking me in small sips and at the same time I felt myself falling into deep sleep as paralyzed. I struggled and I got up I left my house. I walked in the forest like a zombie but towards the end it was better. but I see the spiders. at home or on me! I'm talking about ethereal spiders, it's like ships sometimes I see them for half a second. for spiders I thought it was my imagination, they are not big within 5cm sometimes more or less but I think there are many. I have not changed in character, I do not feel sad or depressed or angry but I just want nothing, I feel completely emptied. I asked the question about the new fb group of cobra to know if I was the only one but many answer me that it feels the same! but I didn’t talk about spiders.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience. It describes what's going on pretty well. And it certainly affected several Starseeds in the last few days.

  3. I also had a dream 2 or 3 days ago, I was in a prison cell in the basement but the gate was open I went out and I found myself on a small deserted island there was only me and the stairs going down to the cell. but I had the impression that there were other islands further on with people in the same situation.
    I do not know what to do. I don't know anyone to help me

    1. sage seems to dis-empower entities

    2. This is the other method, sometimes the Soul is also trapped and locked away overnight in such ethereal locations and one has these dungeon-like dreams.

  4. how to recognize what kind of starseeds are we ? I think im From Orion but there is a variety of all kind of starseeds from elsewhere so how should we know where we come from ? Could you please make an overwiew of starseeds origins and how to recognize them ???

    1. If one feels attracted to a certain race, this is usually a good indicator. You can also ask them to send you signs. To list all races here would go beyond the scope of this blog, but thankfully there is enough material on the internet by now.

    2. i do like majestic Epic Music , indigo blue , Purple,Red and Black Colors White weapons to study fight Technics ! i feel some strong attraction to Orion particularly Rigel furthermore i feel my self attracted to especially horned Dragons even a little bit to the Arachnids (are there any positive Spiders out there ? Does it mean that im a kind of former dark being maybe a draconian starseed wich currently wish to experience more light perspective or is this do to the mind manipulation of the dark realms ?

    3. There are some positive reptiles/dracos, but the majority are negative due to contact with the anomaly.
      I am currently unaware of any positive arachnoids.
      There are of course Starseeds who have been manipulated or forced to work for the Dark Ones in past lives. But many of them have the possibility to terminate this contracts and to make up for this in their current incarnation.
      To get clarity on this, one could check his/her own past lives, e.g. by someone trustworthy with clairvoyant gifts.

    4. Are you aware of a kind of tick like beings regarding the chimera ? Because i saw something like that in my vision during the meditation . At first came the spiders i saw many of them on the white wall and than this wall was suddenly full of blood but the black spiders are gone furthermore i saw a cave in Which inside was residing not a spider but tick i assume it was the lord or brain of this group and this being was not black like the spiders ware it was rather gray brown . I ve never heard of any space ticks bevor so i thought it was only my imagination but after this vision i have watched the second part of indipendence day it is enough to watch the beginning of this film and you will get the point . After this whole experience it was clear to me what fracking realy is . Interesting enough the procedure of fracking resembles the way in which a tick nurturing him self . Pay attention. something similar is shown in this video, a large ship resembling a tick that is sucking the planet's core! But there is no one so far who would reportet something regarding tick like beings i dont understand why ? nothing not a single word to this topic . If you have a good connection to the forces who are Fighting with the dark side they must be aware of the existence of such a kind of tick beings . i saw one of them and and I have sensed this grave mood that had radiated from this creature . No emotions at all absolutely cold like it ware only half of living ! you get goosebumps directly when you are confronted with this energy it was indiscribable believe or not but im certain this thing was real !!!

    5. Yes, confirmed. They're arachnids too.

    6. I knew it !!! Hopefully you will inform all starseeds about the tick like Arachnids in your further updates because until now nobody seems to be aware of their existence . Strength and honour to you you !!!

  5. Thank you for sharing with us! Feel excited to know that 'this too will be over soon'. And sad about 'scorching the planet', luckily this wont happen. We are deeply connected with planet earth and do not want her to get harmed.
    For the mass meditation, at the ending part, probably near 18-19 mins, I sensed the celebration atmosphere in the air and we had a physical group gathering together, there were no distractions during the meditation.
    The sense of vastness is getting stronger and stronger after the mass meditation, today when I was practicing with Ashtar Ray, the feeling was very strong as if he was just around my side, and I have never felt so close to the LFs before.
    I also had a dream two days ago, in which I was transferred to a ship(parked at an asteroid, I remember I could see the blue sky and the barren ground of the asteroid surface through a big transparent window) through a sealed cabin on ground. People went into the cabin one by one, and when they came out, they all have different experiences. The memory was not intact. Reading from this update, probably this is my soul evacuation. <3

    Stay calm is extremely as that has been emphasized three times in this update. Thank you for this reminder.

    In a few days there will be full moon(Feb 7th/8th), and for those who want to experience the free healing session from Ascended masters and stellar rays, please visit often, where a reminder will be posted soon!

    1. YW and thanks for sharing your experience. Blue skies are always a good sign in a vision, also in dreams, as it usually means that the LFs are active and the energies are good right now.

  6. one last thing, I had a dream where I was on a quay at the edge of the water and in the sky I saw a spacecraft in a cloud. it was barely camouflaged you could clearly see that it was a spacecraft. I said to the people next to me "you saw that" and everyone started watching and commenting. then I looked in the sky on my right, and there are translucent letters which appeared: "am not afraid".
    I would like to say to the forces of light: thank you for the message. I am not afraid ! I'm just like a cocoon caught in a spider web. spiders keep insects in a web before eating them. I inform you that they are already past meal time. but other than that all is well!
    just a question: the plan to remove the soul seems to me wise but have you been thinking about insecticide or a special spider coronavirus?
    Could we review my contract and provide a "risk premium"? (a little humor does not hurt)

    1. There is already such a thing, it's called Goddess Energy.

    2. dear FM144, as I was attacked again, yesterday I was barely standing to cook my own food. I saw several large physical spiders at home. I thought about what you said about the energy of the goddess and in the evening I had the idea of listening to the meditation of Isis Astara with the speakers of the living room. As soon as his voice filled the room I felt that the energy changed in the house. I did meditation by enlarging the golden light throughout the house. Isis' voice put me in a trance and I was having trouble getting out of meditation. I slept well and this morning I no longer feel tired. it seems that the spiders have disappeared!

    3. In recent days, as today, there have been repeated waves of attacks. Furthermore, there was the Super Bowl, a single negative ritual, which makes these attacks even more intense, as the Dark Ones draw strength from it.

  7. sorry bad translation the message was "don't be scared"

  8. Hello! I wonder if you or your sources would be able to clarify something that seems a bit contradictory from my perspective. I understand the need of back up plan from the LF's in case of the toplet bombs and other exotic weapons being detonated by the dark forces to destroy the planet and create cosmic chaos by fracturing the souls essences in the planet (the worst case scenario). What I don't understand and makes absolutely NO SENSE for me at least is how the LF'S expect us to accomplish our mission and to be a fully awakened beakon of light in the surface with a 20% (or less in many cases) soul connection under constant attacks in a disfuncional planetary environment. Moreover, many lightworkers are in a feeble health and financial situation so it's beyond my current understanding how a very partial soul connection would be of any help to turn around the situation on our favor. If this plan isn't scrapped before the Event what will we be doing to act as catalysts while being severely impaired by an intenionally weakened soul connection?

    Thank you. VOTL!

    1. The procedure is apparently also necessary to be ready for First Contact and also evacuation, because the mission is slowly coming to an end. Besides, Soul Parts can also go back in again at any time, if it is necessary and safe, thus they could also be returned after major dooms day actions of the Cabal have been thwarted. But when the Quarantine collapses it will probably go relatively fast, and the first pick ups of Key Lightworkers must take place quickly, that means the body must be ready, and that seems to work better when parts of the Soul are already up there.

    2. Is it possible to ask galactic teams to redeem the soul aspects contained in confederation ships and download them back to Earth's astral and plasma planes before the Event, in order to strengthen our position and help things to speed up, on a personal and planetary level?

    3. As I said, it affects many Starseeds, but not necessarily all. As for personal soul parts, one can of course ask.

    4. Thank you for the clarification! VOTL!

  9. During the walk the other day, I saw "144" twice. Each of them was on the price board at gas stations on my town. Were they positive signs of the Light Forces?

  10. How are "these houses/apartments are usually built on strong energetic vortices", in which live many lightworkers, as long as they live in housing-blocks neighborhoods of populated areas, of city towns, so on?...?

    1. Normal houses and flats, and it does not matter whether countryside or city.

    2. Yes, but when the house was built, how did they know that, much later, a lightworker will move in that home, so that they interact to be build (that home) on the proper vortex?

      And, if I go to buy a house, is it or not on a kind of vortex, you tell us about?...

    3. we never happen, by chance somewhere. we are guided to do it. moreover Cobra said that the FL could build an underground base under our place of life

    4. LFs are higher-dimensional, highly conscious as well as highly technological beings, they can foresee such things in time and space and many things are planned in advance.

    5. And is this also the case of the house I live in?

  11. Dear Fm144

    Thank you for your information.
    As a starseed and as a lightworker
    it is very difficult to find out which
    whistleblower is real and which not.

    I read about theories that the darkforces
    plan to appear as the savier and to pretend to be the benevolent E.T.s. So like the story, of somebody who break a glass pane in the night and appear the next morning as a repair person for fixing it.

    Nevertheless if for example the "project blue beam" is a "conspiracy reality" or a hoax. It shows that maybe technology exists to trick our minds, emotion and simulate us for being contacted by benevolents galactical beings.

    So confusing this theory and its resulting logic and agenda is. How will the real lightforces "prove" to be the real lightforces?

    I also think the lightforces will also have a very difficult task to gain the trust of a humanity that has been lied to, about so long time.
    How will humanity even start to believe and trust again?

    I want to inform the readers of this blog, that when you use a add-blocker or not a google-friendly-browser, it is possible that your comment couldn't be sent over the online form and you don't get informed about that your comment wasn't sent. I recommend the readers to save your comment/text on your computer/mobile before sending it.

    many greetings

    1. You're welcome. It's always good to listen to your own intuition, also regarding the information on this blog.

      These are of course legitimate questions, and there are of course plans to deceive mankind, but from my point of view, if you actually have contact with positive extraterrestrials, there is just so much energy activated that you would simply know it. If right at the beginning doubts or negative feelings arise, these are probably signs that it might not be LFs.

    2. Its a issue that have been mentioned in our books and religeus literature,
      In apocalypse times (end times) a voice will call people from sky, the first voice is satan (dark forces, whatever you call) that pretends to be savior, the second voice that will call people is the true saviour voice.
      Here in iran we have a very persice sources about end times


  12. 我每天梦里都看见外星人,绝大部分外星人是负面的,他们是来追杀我的!所以我只能在梦里跟他们肉搏战斗!


  13. 我每天梦里都看见外星人,绝大部分外星人是负面的,他们是来追杀我的!所以我只能在梦里跟他们肉搏战斗!


  14. I see aliens in my dreams every day. Most of them are negative. They come to kill me! So I had to fight them in my dreams!

    So far, I have seen more than 100 different RACES of aliens. I often see the sky full of super many different shapes of spacecraft, these spacecraft, most of the positive light forces of the spacecraft. Of course, I often see the dark, heavy spacecraft of negative aliens in my dreams. Some negative alien black ships are coming after me. I had to run away as fast as I could

    In my dreams, too, I had fights with huge black spiders, and huge black snakes, and huge black octopus, and huge pink octopus!

    The creatures I saw in my dream were all physical creatures, and I knew they were negative aliens. Because they can all fly very fast in the sky, and they often eat people and other animals!

    Fortunately, I beat them every time and sometimes beat them to death!

    Because if I don't kill them, they won't let me go, they'll eat me!

    My English is not good, I use GOOGLE translate.


  15. I see aliens in my dreams every day. Most of them are negative. They come to kill me! So I had to fight them in my dreams!

    So far, I have seen more than 100 different RACES of aliens. I often see the sky full of super many different shapes of spacecraft, these spacecraft, most of the positive light forces of the spacecraft. Of course, I often see the dark, heavy spacecraft of negative aliens in my dreams. Some negative alien black ships are coming after me. I had to run away as fast as I could

    In my dreams, too, I had fights with huge black spiders, and huge black snakes, and huge black octopus, and huge pink octopus!

    The creatures I saw in my dream were all physical creatures, and I knew they were negative aliens. Because they can all fly very fast in the sky, and they often eat people and other animals!

    Fortunately, I beat them every time and sometimes beat them to death!

    Because if I don't kill them, they won't let me go, they'll eat me!

    My English is not good, I use GOOGLE translate.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience. It's absolutely true, these are all things that happen on the non-phyical planes and many other Starseeds experience the same.

  16. Some years ago, on one site, I read information from a certain Selena when she looked at the tasks of the Soul of one person who has already died.
    It was about connecting to the next incarnation of this man.
    She already saw a young woman on a spaceship flying to Earth to help.
    This woman understood that her former incarnation came into contact with her and eagerly answered questions.
    She was asked what you see from orbit?
    She replied that almost the entire Earth was covered with water and only small areas of land remained after the cataclysm.
    The population is approximately only 100 million people.
    What year is it, she asked? 2029 she said, two years after the cataclysm, i.e. the year when everything drowned was 2027.

  17. the new release date of final fantasy 7 is 10.04.2020 = 144
    if the millions of fans only knew how much truth was really inside

  18. Cobra, as you presumable know, has kept a position among the most credible sources. OK!
    But how do you find his claim that:
    Another sign that we are close to the breakthrough is the dimming of Betelgeuse:

    There is the need to clarify the problem about Betelgeuse.
    It is about 650 LY ahead.
    What you see now, it happens app 650 Y ago, what you see now on the sky. You have not an 'online transmission' about how it looks like 'in the now'.

    It has nothing to do its appearance with January 2019, but is as 650 y ago.

    Please come forward with an answer!!
    You have to clarify about Betelgeuse!
    You don't see it 'on-line' now!
    Please step forward with s correct explanation!

    1. Thus the star in its collapse is even further than we see it now.

  19. Is the 'Blue Dawn' a kind of zodiacal light of the "Age of Aquarius'?

    Can we consider it this way?

    1. People will know when the time comes.

    2. And when begins "A new Grandt Cosmic Cicle" that Cobra call us to imagine during some meditations?

  20. wer ist dieser general? du bekannst im?

    1. But can you remote-view if his intel is accurate? Give us an answer please.

    2. Trump was certainly not brought into office by the LFs, I can say that much about it.

  21. Syrio21.
    Januar 2020 um 01:59

    I quickly googled spiritual stagnation. I don't understand if you're saying that as something to strive towards or as a diagnosis?

    Did you do some measurements and find me to be unmoving or are you encouraging me to stop?

    1. Something from 10+ days...

      I've created a blog purely for conversation without moderation. For you.

      Tell me your woes.
      Share your wisdom.

  22. Thank you for posting update. I thought some things. Answer if you can but no worries. :)

    1.whats about Prime Directive (non-intervention principle), is it a real thing or is it lie like Cobra stated on his Blue Dawn post?

    2."Just as when the LFs communicate with one from the energetic realms by constantly showing certain numbers during the day", Is seeing
    for example clock 1:23, 12:34, 1:11, 22:22 etc when looking it accidentally/randomly signs of LFs communicate from energetic realms?
    That happens me constantly and sometimes it's not only in clocks. They appears in washing machine remaining timer, shop receipt when buying random quantity of fruits etc.

    3.Where do Angels come from? can Elementals, Incarnate Angels and other types be Starseeds at the same time and vice versa?

    4.Is use of alcohol and drugs only present in this planet or does any other ET race have that kind of things?

    5.Someone mentioned idea about doing global laughing meditations instead of common meditations on Cobra's blog. If that work for helping the situation it would be fun way to do it. Can laughing weaken power of dark forces?

    6."Thus it is now the case with most Starseeds and Key Lightworkers on the surface that almost only 10 to 20% of the Soul that was actually incarnated at the beginning is still active".
    What are signs of that main part of soul has been taken out to the ships beside feeling powerless?
    Is feeling unmotivated to do some earthly activities like doing matrix job, trying to fit in anymore, feeling tired time to time, signs of that?

    I have seen some little hazy images/visions while sleeping about some beings that looked like extaterrestials. one night i saw image of some blue being, and other i saw image of some being with big black eyes, looked bit like grey. I felt very calm both times.

    1. YW!

      1. The LF are here and intervening, so this directive cannot exist.
      2. If certain numbers appear repeatedly, no matter where, then they are mostly messages from the non-physical world.
      3. They come from the Source.
      4. They have stimulants that can produce a positive high that almost no earthly drug can match ... besides from that, they are healthy, have no side effects and there is no hangover afterwards.
      5. It is always good to laugh, it's healthy and lifts the own energy. But certain serious situations also require certain serious action (meditations), for example if your house is burning, you will not extinguish the fire by laughing at it.
      6. A main characteristic is definitely that you can do nothing with this life on earth anymore (system, job, society etc).

    2. FM144@
      6. And where will lead to this situation in which you claim that "you can do nothing with this life on earth anymore"?
      How long it will last, and what comes after that?...

    3. 6. and how do you unfold your participation in the earthling projects concerning the liberation?...

    4. Thank you for answer!

      1.That sounds good, i wonder if Earth quarantine has decreased a lot.

      2. Some days those numbers appear more and sometimes less during day.


      6. Is that person literally cannot do anything, or is it like could do but anything feels pointless and have no motivation to it?

      5. If house is on fire it is of course serious thing and i wish that doesn't happen to anyone, but if i image case that someones house is burning and that person takes it so lightly that he/she is just laughing outside. That made me laugh.

      I don't know if seeing extaterrestial beings in dream , like watching still bit hazy images of them very short time, is because of searching enthusiastically pictures of various extaterrestials on internet and then it projected to dreams, or then it is something else. Anyway it is cool because i haven't seen anything like that in dreams before.

    5. 6. One simply has enough of the matrix, because due to the rising energies one becomes more and more aware that everything here on Earth has nothing to do with how life should really look like. From the perspective of extraterrestrial races, Earth is a concentration camp.

  23. I have some questions for you.

    1) In the New Age movement, a lot of importance is being given to the Schumann resonance and the peaks it sometimes presents (60hz). It is also said that in 100 hz we would be in 5D. Do you think this is true? In a question to an alien: "what would be the Schumann resonance on a 5D planet as for example in the Pleiades?" The answer was that it was classified information. It leads me to think that the resonance could have a value of for example 100,000 hz, which would imply that we are giving more importance to the values that we are currently visualizing.

    2) Ascension: You talk a lot about planet Earth wanting to ascend. Other sources indicate that this ascension will take about 400 years, and our release would begin in the short term, probably 2022 (around that date). Ascension is a long process and not as simple as it has been presented by almost the entire New Age movement. The 400 years are the time it takes for our planet to merge with the planet that exists in the second harmonic universe (Earth belongs to the first harmonic universe).
    To ascend, people have to leave this planet through a gate (only those who have the third, fourth and fifth elements assembled and activated from DNA can pass through that gate or something like that) and would go to planet 5D (the planet that is in the second harmonic universe). Or they could stay here and wait for the fusion of this planet with the planet Earth that goes until mid 2400.
    I would appreciate a comment from you.

    3) Portal2012 stated that the Earth was the last planet to be released from the Dark forces. Can you confirm that?

    4) Another source reported that the Dark Forces belong to the Parallel Universe (and Phantom Earth), so the refuge of the Dark Forces would not only be the Earth. Can you confirm.

    5) It refers to many Dark Forces, but it doesn't say what those forces are. You can confirm if these are the races: fallen Annu-Elohim; Zeta-Rigelian-Drakonian; Fallen Seraphim Collective; Dracos-Zeta Resistance; Necromiton-Andromie; Centaur-Luciferians and Blue Centaurs; Omicron-Drakonian; Jehovian Anunnaki.

    1. 1. Schuman Resonance is often misinterpreted in the movement, so one shouldn't get too attached to it.
      2. Things will develop faster because Earth has made a conscious decision to free itself from the occupying forces and the anomaly. It is now time critical, so when it happens, it will happen relatively quickly.
      3. This is what the LF report for this universe.
      4. I can confirm that negative dimensions exist.
      5. I can't confirm exact names at the moment, which doesn't mean they're all wrong.

    2. Yeah people get obsessed with the Schumann resonance. It's such a tiny fraction of all the energies.

  24. When can we make our first contact?

    1. Once it's safe enough and Dark Ones can no longer intervene.

    2. Rob Potter had his alleged first contact. You might a next one...


  25. Behold, the predicted times manifested are! Hallelujah!
    “And there was a battle in heaven: Michael and his angels were battling the dragon; and they fought the dragon and his angels, but they did not prevail; neither was his place found in the heavens. ”(Excerpt from the Book of Revelation - Bible).

    One of our Commanders named Ashoen, and his Fleets, determinedly entered specific areas, taking over and neutralizing attacks by the resistance, placing them in a position of "Surrender or surrender"!
    Our Fleets took these positions and took the ships of the resistant and their stressed crew to magnetic fields.
    It didn't end there, comrades! Pay attention to your Heavens, because our Fleets are with each turn of the Earth assuming more positions previously dominated by the boys dressed in dark.


    *** Battle in eastern Las Vegas on February 18, 2018 (not far from the infamous Area 51).

  26. Dear FM144,
    I have a question regarding to my dream this night.

    I was in my home in the bathroom, together with my smaller brother and a person i cant remember anymore.
    We were talking and i dont know why, but i started feeling weird about this person and focused realy hard on his eyes and thinking "he must be a reptilian" at the same time.
    Just like 1 second later, I saw this persons eyes changing from human to big, yellow reptilian eyes, telling me I am right with my thought.
    He didnt change his appearence completly, but there were clear signs that he was reptilian in his face.
    In the next moment, he was outside our house, holding my beloved bunny in the air, wanting to kill him (my bunny).
    I started to charge at my highest possible speed towards him and even though i was thinking something like "hes a strong reptilian, i will just hurt myself charging him" for a splitsecond, he completely disappeared after I hit him, and i got a very reliefing feeling out of this.
    I dont know were he went, I didnt saw anything but my bunny with no harms.

    This was pretty much the moment when the dream ended/ when I woke up, I cant really tell anymore.
    Now my questions: Is my assumption right, that I have a reptilian entity near me, that i should get rid of?
    If so, is it more of an astral plane reptilian, sticking to me or a reptilian in the "real" world?
    And a question that comes to my mind at this moment: Is it enought to meditate determined to get rid of this entity?

    Hope i stated it clearly.
    Anyways, thank you for all your informations up to now and Victory of the Light!

    1. This may be useful for you.
      February 4, 2020
      Decree of Protection v2

    2. Seems like a non-physical reptilian bullying you. You can always go back into this dream during a meditation to neutralize it, along with the LF/Pleiadians, and ask them to catch it and bring it into the Central Sun.

    3. Thanks to you two for your answers! Reading through this there are some more things coming to my mind:

      Does it mean anything that after my "tackle" the beeing was gone?
      What I mean is, is it possible that someone can get rid of such reptilians through such "attacks" against them in dreams? Or was it something this reptiloid wanted to archieve?

      Whats very interesting for me recapping this dream is, that the reptiloid after exposing himself was walking 1-2 steps very threatening towards me, but I had no feeling of fear etc., and thats when my dream skipped to the scene outside of the house. Was this another try to fill me with negative emotions?

    4. Sorry for asking another question, hope you dont mind.
      Can this non-physical reptilian be the cause for some other things too?
      Like having influence in how i think about certain things etc.

    5. Mostly it is fighting on the non-physical realms to get rid of these beings. At night the Starseed Soul is usually fully active and in action, hence the fearlessness.

      Non-physical Reptilians can manipulate or try to occupy your or other people's bodies, which usually leads to a lot of trouble, so it is always good to get rid of them quickly if you have the chance.

  27. China has become extremely authoritarian, and many people are willing to accept this kind of autocracy, many countries and people are willing to accept Chinese investment, I even think it needs superman to overthrow such a government. I just want to where I can enjoy the same rights with you, there is no light, I was going through the awakening, let me feel very painful, spiritual way to cheat money here into a huge course, all people worship of the communist party, the real people who want to sound impossible under control, I already don't want to change here, I just want to escape, next time, if possible, I don't do the Chinese.

  28. The night before the meditation I was taken up in a metal sphere ( light body or etheric body) this is not unusual for me being taken up to our galactic family. Starts off with vibration then I start spinning and they wipe my memory most of the time but leave little clues that i was indeed on the ships. Anyways the night before the meditation I was taken up but something felt off, so I instinctively tried to stop it. When I realised something was wrong the hologram in the metal sphere started to fail and at that moment I knew I was being taken against my will. The sphere looked metal with holes around the middle. I was taken aboard some sort of cargo ship and definitely felt It was more of a prison ship. The moment I regained consciousness and was back in my body awake, I immediately called upon arch angel michael and my guides to retrieve my soul aspect which had been captured. This seemed to have worked because the meditation went smoothly for me. Just thought i’d share my experience and see what you think.

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience. I can confirm that such traps are often set by the Dark Ones.



    Few have realized, per FM144’s latest intel, that taking Starseed souls up to their ships - leaving little or no ‘troops on the ground’ here … which also results in susceptibility for negative occupants to move in & wreak havoc through vacant avatars … is fundamentally counter productive.

    This is a letter of protest & request to the GC, to cease & desist, through FM144.

    The more a soul is in a Starseed's body … the more Light can shine through that Starseed’s grid & into Gaia’s grid.

    Children are still suffering … military combatants are still dying for us, clearing the underground bases!

    Because the Cabal programing has deliberately been designed to pummel us into smallness … we’ve got an unhealthy habit of seeing our ET brethren as something above us, something smarter & wiser than us … where we look up to them … and they look down at us.

    You REALLY don't want to have that mindset. It is extremely dis-empowering. Because you’re literally saying goodbye to your True Identity.

    And when that happens … you can kiss your Higher Self & Soul goodbye … which then inevitably makes life – never mind planetary liberation, MUCH harder, grueling & painful … when it didn’t need to be.

    So we have to be assertive here, and say to the GC, “hey … we’re winning here … you don’t start packing up & leaving before final victory ...?"

    That’s no way to free a planet.


    1. please speak in your name not to the name of other starseeds. I do not agree with you. the FL are beings of higher dimension which have a vision of the things which exceeds us at our small level 3D. What they do is certainly for our protection and our greatest good. I fully trust them

    2. First of all, it does not apply to everyone.
      Secondly, it is a safety measure and serves as a preparation because the LFs and especially the own higher self can judge these things better than the human self, which is captured in the Grid. When they do something like this, they have a good reason.
      Thirdly, most of those who disagree with it are not even affected.
      And one can also ask in a meditation that Soul Parts come back at any time if he or she wishes.

      So, there is no reason for concern.

    3. Should the 20% decide what's best for the whole being?

      Do you imagine yourself to be the most informed and understanding part of that being?

      Here's something to consider; this 'soul-split' is probably on the very low end of potentially disturbing truths. There is going to be some highly disturbing revelations in your future.

    4. What is best is mostly decided by the Soul as a whole, but of course you also have free will, which is taken into account. The best informed part is therefore probably the Soul as a whole.
      Since the Soul is gigantic in its extent, it divides itself up to make as many experiences as possible at the same time, also simultaneously in other dimensions and on other time lines. Also it cannot incarnate as a whole on a planet, especially not here in the Quarantine, because it is just too gigantic. Therefore only parts of it incarnate.
      There is absolutely no disturbing truth behind it, it's just the way things work in the universe.

    5. How "and on other time lines"?

    6. That sounds like the Matrix 5 description of the higher self. Great book. I miss the author, they passed in 2017. One of the few voices of reason on the planet.

    7. Rumors are that short after liberation the so called star-seed or wanders or light workers will get a 'kick in the back' (to be politely) so that they will get around, and will be told to not ask for anything, due to they volunteered to participate. It's not a wonder if happens so. We are already in a 'meta-awakening'... We feel already the 'agenda' behind the using of us to liberate this disgusting realm...

      And, also there is no wander that the so called (and much trumpeted) 'much healing' after the Event will be summed up by a declaration that many lightworkers are already unredeemable, and have to be put together with all the others who 'are not able to accept the light' and 'be disposed' do to they are no longer needed, or able to be sent to another liberation in another disgusting realm as well.

      We are already in a 'meta-awakening'!
      We understand now why our memories are blocked by the light forces, for an alleged 'highest good' …. Yes, we understand it now!

  30. How accurate do you consider this intel?

    Video Interview with Venusian Commander Aura Rhanes
    February 4, 2020 by Gerry Gomez:

    1. I can confirm that a Venus Command exists, but I can't check every link on correctness due to lack of time.

    2. OK!!!... But it's very worth to see passages from this video. There are 'long minutes' in which Rob Potter is talking 'in persona' with Venusian Commander Aura Rhanes. You see her in the video. She wears a red cup. Brouse the video up to you find.
      For instance, from 37min to 44min. And, that's not all.
      Take a bit from your time.
      It's in benefit of entire humanity, to confirm, as case may be!!
      In this case, if you and other confirm, it means that they are really there, and the 'first contact' has already taken place!
      People need to know! Do it for the entire world please.


    3. go to mark 44:30

      You have to take at least a short time for the entire humanity to clarify if the lady speaking to us is the real Venusian commander...
      Do it for all, please!

    4. Look here:

      Is she the real alien, the Venusian commander, or not?

      Are we already in 'the first contact', or not?

    5. At 29min she is presented and starts the interview "live"! Must be seen. If she is a real alien...

    6. Rob, the interviewer, is a cofounder of, with Cobra as well

      Prepare For Change is a global organization that was created at Cobra conference in Laguna Beach in 2013 with the purpose of preparing the surface population for the coming changes. Their official website is here:

    7. Pour moi cela est une plaisenterie bien organisé juste decevent et insultent en vers nos vrai frère et sœur venusiens. Si vous savez comment marche la matrix alors vous savez automatiquement que cela ne peux pas ce produire avant l'évènement.

    8. So far I can't confirm that there has been a public physical first contact.

  31. Dear FM144,

    thank you very much for these updates and for clearing our minds. I have a question, tough: could we ask these parts of our souls, that are "safe and sound" already, for assistance, for example with cutting off spiderwebs and help us becoming free again? In other words: is it possible to work together with all parts of our souls??? Any chance?
    Thank you again!

    1. Thank you FM144 for your answer to my request/protest to the GF. Your answer immediately resonated/made sense. I will bring your answer & good clarification to others.

      ps. I'm curious to know if people have been able to sleep better at night, since about Monday/Tuesday night, with less interruptions or 'nightmares'. FM144, you are encouraged to check the latest status of the Chimera soul-trap web, with the GC.

    2. oh … It was regarding the whole issue of souls being taken up by the GC, and my concerns & protest over this move, just as we're winning, (re your answer below).

      " … First of all, it does not apply to everyone.
      Secondly, it is a safety measure and serves as a preparation because the LFs and especially the own higher self can judge these things better than the human self, which is captured in the Grid. When they do something like this, they have a good reason.
      Thirdly, most of those who disagree with it are not even affected.
      And one can also ask in a meditation that Soul Parts come back at any time if he or she wishes.

      So, there is no reason for concern …"

    3. @Sarimasister Of course, you can ask for it during a meditation, for example.

    4. @ James Sonata You're welcome. There were energetic attacks the entire week, probably after-effects of the Super Bowl, which is always used as a big negative ritual.

  32. Thank you fm144 for your work (you can delete my previous message when asked about my missing message. I want to tell everyone that I am also with you I am also constantly under attack in my dreams right now. Protect you and continue to meditate ☝ stayed strong they are in total panic which means that we are doing something right, they are afraid !!!

    1. You're welcome. Agreed, at present there are very severe attack waves taking place, out of panic of the increasingly penetrating Light.

  33. hello Fm144, there is information circulating ( /) saying that there are more than 37,000 American soldiers who disembarked in Belgium to supposedly do exercises throughout Europe.
    some claim that it would be to stop the representatives of the Cabal Merckel, Macron, the Pope etc ...
    could you tell if this information is:
    1) neutral (they only do one exercise)
    2) positive (they come to stop the cabal)
    3) negative (they come to help the cabal to subdue the people even more, stop the revolt of the people or other ... Thank you

    1. Currently I would rate it somewhere between neutral and negative.

  34. would you like to tell us about the ships Lf have? Perhaps write article about that at the some point?
    1.How warm/cold there is, what temperature about?
    2.Is there food/item replicators?
    3.Is there own cabins for each passengers?
    4.Is there toilets like we have on earth?
    5.What it does sound like inside ship, completely silence or does like ship propulsion system make some noise?
    6.Is there ships that their lenght, width and height is up to several miles?
    7.Is there artificial forests and nature in some ships?

    In fact, i am very curious and have countless amount of questions in my mind but if i were to ask every question at the same time it would be very, very long list.
    thank you so far for making clear many things and answering our questions.

  35. What can I do to join the galactic federation faster?Does a good wish turn out to be a very bad one?How many psychic sources are real?What can I do to get closer to my first personal encounter?Are the main members of the galactic federation some kind of staid saint?Or a hippie libertarian?Can you give us a general description of what they look like?

    1. You can contact them during meditation.
      Maybe in future updates.

  36. I have a question about the Walk-ins that you previously mentioned. Recently I feel their presence is getting stronger and stronger. I wonder if they come back, or it is the Light penetrating through veil getting stronger, or both?

    1. It could also be because the ships are coming closer and closer to the surface due to the fact that the Grid only consists of a last residual layer.

    2. Thank you for the confirmation! They are back! They are back! They are back!

  37. " … the fact that the Grid only consists of a last residual layer"
    This is good to know. Worth mentioning on your next update. It will inspire many.
    Is the physical aspect/component of the grid included in your above reference to what's left of the grid?

    1. More or less, since the physical always reflects the ethereal.

  38. Hi Starseeds, i have written a longer report for all of you. Meditations, Anomaly, Q, SSP's and lots more:

    I love you all,


  39. Coronavirus outbreak may end in China in April, says expert - 11/2/2020

    Zhong Nanshan, head of the China National Health Commission team investigating the outbreak of the new coronavirus, gives an interview to Reuters in Guangzhou, China's Guangdong province.

    The coronavirus outbreak is peaking in China this month and could be stopped by April, the government's most senior medical adviser said on Tuesday in the latest assessment of an epidemic that is frightening the world.

    The peak is expected to occur in the middle or end of February, followed by stabilization and reduction, Zhong said, basing his forecast on mathematical models, recent events and government action.

    "I hope this outbreak or event will end there in April," he said in a hospital round at Guangzhou Medical University, where 11 patients with coronavirus are being treated. - Zhong, head of the team that investigates the epidemic in China.


  40. Can anxiety and panic of diminishing power of dark forces can be felt at the moment?
    Or can feeling anxious and bit restless be part of purge? Or is it that attack waves still going on at the moment? Or is it all of them?

    Is Lf ships coming toward surface from one angle or from different sides?
    Is them soon visible with naked eye?

    1. Mix of everything and further factors / energies are chaotic at the moment.
      They come from "above".
      Occasionally, they already show up, but sightings will increase.

    2. Also dreams have been disturbed/attacked for some time now at nights.
      Yes, i meant is they coming toward every continent or like one region at time like America, Europe, Australia etc?
      That's is exciting

    3. I suppose it will be visible everywhere simultaneously.

  41. Hello fellow warriors, I don’t like to bombard you with questions as I see more people are using this platform to ask as many questions as they can while you struggle to keep up lol however there is something really important I need to ask and its regarding majority of lightworkers. Why are so many of us struggling with Anxiety and Panic attacks, either when its too crowded or something simple as waiting. I read somewhere that this is releasing layers but I’ve had it for over 8 years. Is there any way we can heal this for good? Is this the Dark night of the soul? Thank you for all your work and sacrifices my friend

    1. Many factors possible... Grid, wounds from old incarnations, mass consciousness, negative beings nearby etc.

      Energetic cleaning + protection, charging yourself with positive energies, spending a lot of time in nature helps.

    ASCENSION ANXIETY: How To Calm Yourself While in the Throes of Ascension


  44. Having 2 dreams since a long time. One was quasi lucid (recognized that the dream environment is not that of waking state). Can you comment?



  46. A Quick Note on the Situation - Pleiades 1 - 02.16.2020 (Gabriel Lunar Ray)

    Romans are harmonized.

    144 approve approach from Jerusalem to Ilha Amiga (Brazil).

    Sentinels reinforce the grid of Magnetic Island (Curitiba). Attempted invasion of the lower plane.

    Time Merger indicators are shown.

    Special Markers are achieved for Special Revitalizations.

    Superior Guides keep coming.

    Smooth axis changes occur with authorized approaches.

    Ashtar (s) celebrate present Jerusalem.

    Answers arrive for those who wait in mastery.

    Twin flames enter into joy for possible Special Project Redirection.

    Dear ones, around 4:30 pm yesterday, February 15, 2020, I left the body and was transported to a special meeting at the Galactic Federation Council, where the possibility of a closer approach to the Jerusalem Ship (Nave of Ashtar) was discussed in Brazil. Some of the reasons for this movement were not allowed to come to my consciousness when I returned to the body, however some were. I was standing in my room when I was suddenly taken from the body. I returned about two minutes later (while the time spent on the ship was about 3 hours). The approach of the Nave Jerusalem to Brazil will positively affect the collective unconscious of this population group and, at the same time, will trigger some necessary transformations. Some physical effects may also be felt. This action will trigger a deep cleansing in the lower astral zones of the Earth, in addition to removing the presence of physical (negative) Draco-Reptiles still remaining in some caves in Brazil, transporting them to “reformatory” environments. Jerusalem will not, at first glance, be perceived with the naked eye, but the magnetism it will transmit will undoubtedly be felt. I do not have in my memory, at this moment, how long it will be projecting on Brazil and when it will occur. For now, I have the information that I was authorized to transmit.

    For the Truth, nothing but the Truth,

    In Love and Blessings,

    Neva (Gabriel RL)


  47. Is it true that FM144 had a conversation with the Unknown Lightwarrior??

    1. I couldn't access the members area, but that's not what he said in the video. He said that FM144 brought attention to the fact we need protection during meditation and gave a protocol in an article, not to Unknown Lightwarrior. Then UL gave his own protocol which was not physical contact but etheric. Did the UL article say something different? If so post the segments here or email them to me at What I have a question about is UL saying FM144 is a Resistance Movement operative. Being contacted by the Light Forces and actually being in the Resistance are very different and it would be ridiculous if he just assumed to that.

    2. Conversation was never claimed.
      Although I can confirm the existence of the RM, the blog was more likely initiated by the GCF.


    4. Patrick@
      It's not in the video, it's here:

      "how a short conversation with FM144 I recently had reveals an awesome opportunity for galactic family re-union in the physical – in 2020 … long before mainstream public disclosure. I’m gong to read out the exact quote to you, from FM144."

    5. FM144@

      Which blog do you speak about?
      It's not in discussion Cobra's blog!
      And who is GCF?

    6. This blog.
      GCF = Galactic Confederation

  48. Is it true that FM144 had 'a conversation' with The Unknown Lightwarrior, which reveals an awesome opportunity for galactic family re-union in the physical – in 2020, long before mainstream public disclosure??
    Is this true??

    1. He claims so:
      "how a short conversation with FM144 I recently had reveals an awesome opportunity for galactic family re-union in the physical – in 2020 … long before mainstream public disclosure. I’m gong to read out the exact quote to you, from FM144."

      It's not Cobra, it's the Unknown Lightwarrior.
      Had you this conversation with him??...

    2. UL refers to a Q&A in the comments section.

    3. OK! Where is this Q$A in comment section? People need to know! People need to be right informed!...

    4. And even so, as QaA in comment sections, do you confirm that there is an awesome opportunity for galactic family re-union in the physical – in 2020 … long before mainstream public disclosure? Is it so?

  49. Thank you for the update💋👽

  50. Situation Update: Game of Ley Lines: the contact of the Dark Forces with the Anomaly has left its mark on their soul level, so some of them can only be healed by bringing them back into the Source for a “reboot”.

    That is extremely horrible fate for those unlucky Starseeds. "Thank you for your service for Light here on Earth. For millennia you did your part to liberate Earth. Now that it is done (The Event) you will receive your reward: Forever Broken Soul or Galactic Central Sun."

    Every Starseed who is reading this comment, myself included, may now wonder: Am I one of those unlucky ones with broken/unrepairable soul?

    1. This is taken out of context.
      True statement and conclusion is different.
      No Starseed Soul is currently unrepairable.

    2. This is taken out of context.
      True statement and conclusion is different.

      Can you please elaborate this? I'm clearly missing something but i don't know what it is.

      No Starseed Soul is currently unrepairable.

      That's a huge relief!

    3. As stated:

      Dark Ones have to go into CS because of Anomaly, not Starseeds, so it is the fate of the Dark Ones.
      Starseeds only take damage when Toplet bombs would be triggered, but this is avoided by the LFs all along.

    4. Dark Ones have to go into CS because of Anomaly, not Starseeds, so it is the fate of the Dark Ones.

      Got it! Thank you for your kind help!

  51. Hello fm144, thank you for your previous answer. following my previous message concerning spiders it seems that they have disappeared and I was much better. But last night I felt a very big shape above me, maybe longer than my body. and at the same time an intense energy resembling the electricity of cow fences. and a very sharp and loud sound in my ears. the entity did not attack me and it left, I got up but this energy was in the whole house. The entity returned at least 2 times, once it touched my side of the body I felt pain and burning. and another time I felt it wrap around my throat. They were neither archons nor spiders. maybe an octopus tentacle? I made purple flame, pillar of light, sound of Tibetan bowl, vortex of release of the entities ... but I felt the energy and the sound all the night, I had a headache and the chakra crown very hot, I finally slept 2 hours and I woke up to a nightmare of a hurricane that arrived on my house. what was that? and how to get rid of it, nothing seems to work? thank you

    1. Thanks for sharing.
      Heavy waves of attacks in the past.
      I have already mentioned several techniques on this blog. The most important thing is perseverance, sticking with it until things start to loosen up.

  52. Hello fm144

    Is the meaning of ascension to leave the physiscal shell behind (to die)?

    1. It also works without leaving the shell behind.

  53. Hello fm144. I would like to ask you a few questions if you wish. Is depersonalization a possible symptom of the fact that 80% of our soul has disappeared? Is it possible that the ascent of the soul could have started in February of last year? (from where I was depersonalized) right now fm144 I can no longer support the matrix rule and it affects my financial situation. The galactic federation is preparing a plan to help the seeds of stars which are in a difficult financial situation. I am a very hardworking basic person but at the moment it is simply impossible to pretend to play their games, I would like to work on my passions, but it is very difficult until the event occurs. Will I have the privilege of having an update before the end of February? 😊 (it would be interesting to have news on the plasma level because there is no more chimera) thank you for your work fm144 I wish you a good day. Traduction from google !

    1. Many things going at the moment. New update is in progress.

  54. the chimera spiders i feel them every night i can’t sleepbecause they are attacking me and cling to my body and head


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